Our Active Programs

  • Trenton Makers: Startup Pre-Accelerator

    The Trenton Makers pre-accelerator program is for anyone interested in launching and scaling a startup company! Have an idea that could impact the world in some way? Apply now! #TrentonMakesTheWorldTakes

  • Trenton Makes Tech_ Coding School

    The Trenton Makes Tech_ coding school offers modern coding classes for both children and adults! Do you have kids who you‘d like to put on an early track towards a successful career in tech? Or perhaps you are interested in a career change yourself? We mainly teach Python amongst other useful languages like Flutter. The children’s classes are design to keep them engaged through an interactive program. The adults classes are focused on product building and aquiring important certifications including AWS and Google certificates.


Please fill out our application if you are interested in attending one of our programs and schools. None of these programs are virtual. They all take place in person at our school in Trenton, New Jersey! Students are required to attend each class in person at whichever one of our locations that said class is being hosted at. Students must first be accepted into one of our schools in order to attend any classes. Each one of our schools have different requirements for admittance which will be discussed. Tuition is subject to change for any new year just like any private educational institution.