Trenton’s First Startup Accelerator

TRENTON MAKES is the first Startup Accelerator program in Trenton. Our goal is to foster the startup community within our capital city and make it an innovative empire once again; to bring meaning back to the phrase #TrentonMakesTheWorldTakes

We are preparing to start by hosting monthly open startup pitch events where startups can attend and pitch to investors. Once the program is more established we will invest in startups and they will receive coaching to help build their companies. 


We are currently offering both startup and coding programs!

Future Portfolio Companies

Please note: These companies are our top prospects and have not been invested in yet by TRENTON MAKES as we are setting up operations now. We have incredible Founders that are building world-changing products. We always knew, even before this program launched, that central New Jersey was the Silicon Valley of the East Coast. New Jersey is known for that hardworking and crafty mindset. People are now able to focus that energy into building something that could change their lives forever with the help that they receive at TRENTON MAKES!


We have been approved to bring a number of franchise programs to Trenton! So far, these include Startup Grind and 1 Million Cups. You can find more information about the programs here. The purpose of each program is to host entrepreneurial events!

“Central New Jersey is the Silicon Valley of the East.”

— John Snee, Founder


If you are interested in being a mentor or have any general questions then please contact us.
